Automatic Industrial Gates

Industrial Doors | Prices | Service | Ankara | İstanbul

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Industrial door systems which are filled with polyurethane, steel or aluminum coated, provide safety and visibility, provide heat and dust isolation, can be produced in desired sizes, in densely and fast traffic flow facilities; garage door, hangar door, factory door, and many other industrial facilities.

Meta Keywords Industrial Doors , Industrial Doors, Industrial Doors Prices , Industrial Doors Service, Industrial Doors Ankara, Industrial Doors İstanbul

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General Features

- Rubber bumper
- Arc breakage system
- The single set of arc set consists of
- Rear side seal (black)
- Aluminum bottom sealing gasket profile (black)
- Upper sealing ring (black)
- Bottom seal (black)
- Cardboard packaging (for panels)
- Horizontal rail hanger part + flat piece
- But with duct - hollow pipe shaft
- Door handle
- Without wedges - empty pipe shaft
- Compliance with CE Standards
- 1,5 Mm 2 "Painted side closure, hinge, rail and horizontal rail connections
- 1,5 Mm 2 "Galvanized side closure, hinge, rail and horizontal rail connections
- Aluminum upper sealing profile (black)
- Plastic wheel guard to prevent finger tightening
- ** Widths of doors up to 2490 mm in width are smaller than 3375 mm, single-stranded. - The bow sets of the gates outside of these measures consist of single knots.

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